Milvian bridge part deaux
Vista del Tíber a AcquaAcetosa, Jan Frans van Bloemen, copyright Museu de Belles Arts de València Milvian Bridge; Blog #2 So once i have the basic brief of the artwork its time to take each at a time, bearing in mind, these images are part of a set. I spend quite a bit of time thinking these concepts through, so i am not always at a desk. I do a lot of thinking doing other things such as sporadic drumming, by walking with the dog ( the Irish countryside is good for that, especially in summer with the heavy aroma of various flora and sometimes fauna ;¬) or doodling as i did at a birthday party when muy friend where dancing to Kanye West of something ;¬) The image searcher .... Il Tevere all'Acqua Acetosa (c) FABIO_QUICI@ARCHIVE One of the things i did initially, was take a trip around the area in the Google mobile, then I did a search for images of the area concerned, to see if there are visual references to consolidate what i received from the author. These include...