Falling off the horse Creating a piece of work for a publication is always fraught with some trepidation, with deadlines, co njur ing up an idea, constructing an interesting composition, yadda, yadda, yadda (yeah i know, life is tough). Seleucid Empire So when Ancient Warfare asked me to do a piece on the Battle of Antioch 145BCE i had to go scurrying off to my books to look it up and the background . The Hellenistic period has always been one of those grey area's falling between the martial magnificence of Alexander the G reat , the Rise of Rome through the prism of the Punic Wars overshadowing the spasmodic conflicts between the ri val S uccessor States (dont say this too quickly, phew!) . Ptolemy Philometer Demetrius II Alexander Balas It ' s a period which i havent done much work on, except one plate for Osprey, when i showed Romans at the Battle of Magnesia 190BCE, even then the Seleucid Army is only an amorphis impression in thei...