Well its that time again, another Osprey coming down the tracks. This time it aint no Roman's, instead its the "War of Spanish Succession 1701-1713"...this is the period I have always fascinated me as there were many Irish fighting for the French and for other armies. These were soldiers who left Ireland with James II in 1691 and became soldiers for Louis XVI and fought with honour and courage and earned the reputation as fierce warriors.

As this is a campaign volume, it will only have 3 paintings, a few drawings and my photographs of the battle field and environs.

The book will cover the battle of Ramillies 1706, between the Allies and French forces of Louis XVI. The main combat occured in the land around and icluding the hamlets of Ramillies, Autre-Eglise and Offus. Although the Allies did have to clear the hamlets of Tavier and Fronqnee of French forces earlier the same day on the main road south of the hamlets.

Now, Ramillies is reputed to be flat, but actually it is very uneven and undulating terrain, with many criss-crossing sunken  roads. A bit of a "there you see it, then you dont", its not very clear just how deceptive the lay of the land is until you walk it. But as the land is between 100 and 155m above sea level it is considered flat? there's a Roman road running through the battle field and a large Tumulus called Ottomond to the west of the battlefield which was used as a landmark for the allied cavalry to swing north toward Ramillies Village.

Anyway, i have been fortunate over the years to have been at the main battlefields (Almansa, Ramillies, Oudenaarde & Malplaquet) as a participant of the commemoration 2006/7 or as a visitor, but also last year with Mike McNally for 2 days to gather reference material, walk the battlefield and take photos for the book.

I also went to Blenheim Palace to see if i could get any reference material there, it was a very interesting place to visit. Lots of flags, guidon's and tapestries which were very interesting indeed. The work i would love to see but didn't get a chance would be Marlborough House in London. This has the Louis Laguerre murals of the campaigns of Marlborough.

Anyway enough blather, heres a link to the book on Ospreys website. The accompanying images are copyright of others, including Osprey Publishing, Blenheim palace, Marlborough house etc.



  1. Thanks goodness... I have been suggesting Ramillies, Malplaquet and Oudenarde on the Osprey page for years now! :o)


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