Well getting back into a bit of work, but an off i got with Amazon was a great offer from "" for audible books. I downloaded my free book, but then i went searching and found Josephus "Jewish War" its in 3 parts apprx. 8 hours each and its absolutely fantastic.!h.300,id.9543,m.fill,w.540

Its a wealth of info and the narrator is perfect, even if some dispute Josephus its interesting to hear his version of the events, there's a history of Jerusalem, a background to the period and short bio's of the various personalities.
So when i get through this i am going to get Xenophon "anabasis/march of the 10,000 or Persian Expedition" which i can hardly wait, although i do have this in retro hardback BCA version along with Gallic Wars, Lives.

As i read "anabasis" many years ago i chose Josephus instead as i have never read his work. I am not sorry for this book inspires my imagination, those sandy places, massive set piece battles, squalid little skirmishes, courtly intrique, high politics and the clash of cultures, its so interesting! below is the version i have...

I commend the narrator, he is interesting and totally listenable...


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