Been awhile since i posted on the blog, i had a number of articles/pieces ready to go, but just didnt get a round to posting or wrote too much and didnt get around editing/restructuring ;¬)

Donegal Creative Network
Just completed a group exhibition with Donegal Creative Network in Letterkenny, was worth doing, if not financially definitely meeting other artists and some people i knew back in the early 90s.

Anyway, been working for Karwansaray publishing in Holland since before Xmas, a different pace from Osprey and the pics are coming one at a time, which is different. I completed one for Lindsay Powells article "Celebrating victory the Augustan way - A trophy proud to thee", Ancient Warfare Magazine IX.6. This shows republican legionaries erecting a "tropaeum" to commemorate their victory over the Cantibrians and Asturians.
erecting the Tropaeum, Cantibrian war c.25BCE
On the drawing board
But on the drawing board at the minute are a couple of Ancient Warfare magazine projects "lustration of Caesar Augustus at Portus Julius", "Hadrian arriving at a Northern frontier" and "the battle of Antioch 145 BCE" shows Ptolemy VI Philometor of Egypt, being thrown from his horse (Josephus).

19th century view of Antioch
20th century view of Antioch

Ptolemy IV Philometer
Alexandria mosaic of what are thought now to be Hellenistic or Ptolemaic troops

Hellenistic troops on burial mural.
Alexander 1


Osprey Commission....
On the Osprey front, Fontenoy 1745 has been green lighted so this is due in October 2016. So I will of course be portraying the Irish Brigades greatest moment against their that will be fun to illustrate this scene in a proper non-cheesy way (i hope ;¬).

Battle of Fontenoy 1745 by Lefant (Irish brigade are shown in mid-ground attacking Allied oblong)

Battle of Fontenoy 1745 by Lefant (Irish brigade are shown in mid-ground attacking Allied oblong)

Blackwatch Fontenoy 11 may 1745 by W. Skeoch Cumming/1894
Blackwatch Fontenoy 11 may 1745 W. Skeoch Cumming/1894
Michel Pitard's illustration of members of De Grassin regiment


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