Well whats happenin' ?


Long time no blog :`), its been a tumultuous year, the world has been turned upside down and the sad reality of so many deaths or peoples health irreparably damaged....i found myself in the Middle East when the big wave came, but missed out on a trip of the final leg of the trip to Israel (see Masada, Caesaria, a tattoo in Rassouk's etc.) and Palestinian territories sadly. But trying to get out was like a scene from a movie, trying to catch the last flight out of Amman before everything got shut down, along with Sue Glackin (Donegal Food Tours). 

    It was an experience for sure and a trip well worth taking (no experience is ever wasted), see a bit of someone else's life, meals with Bedouin, the amazing sights in Petra (you need 2 days to see everything at least), the sunset at Wadi Rum, Lawrence's well, the ancient citadel of Amman (capital city of the old testament Ammorites etc.).

    As for work, lets says i have been in transition since January, much of my life has changed and so to the work. I worked for Ancient Warfare for awhile but that's completed for now and have been back with Osprey for the last 2 jobs Dettingen 1743, the Caudine Forks 321BC and the forthcoming to be completed Battle of Leuctra 371BC (final destruction of Sparta).

    So back to the plot, apart from music, the odd trip and getting back to hiking and running, its just been mostly work. Some im happy others turned out after scanning quite disappointing. As with Covid one of the things i have to do now i didnt previously is scan my artwork and send the files. So thats been a real learning curve, some of that has been faceplanting the ascending curve!! The move over to oils has been something i am sorry hadnt done sooner, but what can i say, im doing it now another curve (getting a bit like the corona virus graphs on CNN)......


    Anyways, i intend to get back on the horse here and begin to journal the trial and tribulations as well as a sounding board for my sins. But i am grateful and thank my family for the chance a to work at what i have always wanted to do since i was a kid, ruining the family encyclopedia's (improving them sorry).... my hand has snaked a marker, crayon, brush across many a page over the years, bringing me to this point.


One of the more interesting events or hapenings in the world of irish history for me has been the arcaheological dig in Spain at Valldolid, where the famous GAelic Chieftain rED hUGH o dONNELL WAS buried.


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