Well i decided to head to Monea Castle in County Fermanagh, to see Claiomh today. They are doing a show today as part of the 4-5 week dig presently going on. So obviously due my own interest and work it was too good an opportunity to miss out on. Here's a link to the project.


It was a lovely trip up there, had the 2 ejits with me as always (Molly and Aenghus, dogs BTW)) weather moderate (perfect for photos, the dogs and walking around) and the roads clear. Its a fair jaunt from home to Monea as one has to circumnavigate the Erne, so Ballybofey-Donegal town- Ballyshannon- Belleek-Ballygonelly-Monea (monay or is it moneeah?).

When I arrived Claoimh had a traditional blacksmith in the field in front of the castle and nice weapons table and leather worker at the base of the castle walls, with an ever eager crowd wanting to know more! With the backdrop of the castle, it was a pretty evocative scene, archaeologists working in the fields around the castle, a steady stream of viewers and them like meself who had a healthy interest in the history of this amazing site.

So it made for a relaxing day of pondering, chatting, ambling around the castle with black sabbath playing i enjoyed the rustic vista's of Erne side Fermanagh both outward and inward bound. I took a detour on the way home (who's lost???). "no one is really lost they are merely travelling a road they have never travelled before" Anyway i got to see some parts of the world I have never see otherwise, but its stunning countryside that's for sure.

But it was cool to chat to some of the archaeologists and of Course Dave and the boys...attaching some pics from the day...


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